ASPI reaches all-time high, turnover Rs. 10 bn
The enthusiastic local appetite on logistics, exports and other Dollar earning stocks drove the market to reach its new highs yesterday.
Thus, the All Share Price Index increased by164.1 points (+1.9%) to close at 8,920.7 whilst the S&P SL20 Index also increased by 157.5 points (+4.9%) to close the day at 3,341.2. Expolanka Holdings, Hayleys, LOLC Holdings, Sampath Bank and Hatton National Bank remained as the top positive contributors to the ASPI during the day.
Further, broader market’s total turnover stood at LKR 10,498.1 mn against the 12-month average daily turnover of LKR 3,527.5 mn, whilst the volume traded for the day was 285,411.5k against the 12-month average daily volume of 194,780.1k.
Transportation, Capital Goods, Diversified Financials and Food and Beverage sectors mostly contributed to the day’s turnover.
The top traded counters for yesterday were Expolanka Holdings LKR 3,797.4 mn (+22.8%), Hayleys LKR 1,115.1 mn (+18.1%), LOLC Holdings LKR 652.4 mn (+4.5%), Browns InvestmentsLKR 570.2mn (+4.0%) and Hatton National Bank LKR 477.8 mn (+11.3%). Further, off-board transactions were witnessed in Hatton National Bank, Sanasa Development Bank and Hayleys yesterday.
Additionally, SMB Leasing (Non-Voting), Eden Hotel Lanka, Industrial Asphalts, Palm Garden, Expolanka Holdings and Hayleys were the top price gainers yesterday whilst Swadeshi Industrial, Beruwala Resorts, LOLC Finance and Chirssworld were the top price losers. Further, Browns Investments, LOLC Finance, Expolanka Holdings, SMB Leasing (Non-Voting) and Eden Hotel Lankawere amongst the most actively traded stocks yesterday.
(Courtesy Softlogic Stock Brokers)