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Aswesuma issue created by JVP with survey boycott – MP

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SLPP MP Johnston Fernando told a gathering in Kurunegala that the Aswesuma issue had come up as a result of JVP’s action to keep Samurdhi Niladharies away from the survey carried out to determine suitable recipients needing the Aswesuma benefit.

“Two or three JVPers are enough to create an issue. This is what had happened today,” he said.

He said people have been subjected great injustice when it comes selecting suitable recipients for Aswesuma. “Those who are eligible for the Aswesuma have been left out while those who are not be legible have been selected as recipients. This kind of practice can not be justified at a time people are finding hard to survive under the current economic crisis. You have to forget politics at this point of time,” he added.


Friday, June 30, 2023 – 01:13

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