Biodiversity Sri Lanka hosts annual technical sessions
The first of the Technical Sessions to be held on September 15, 2021, will be centered on the all-important theme – SOS (Save our Seas): Saving Oceans from Plastic and will feature an overall overview of the current plastic waste collection scenario in the country and demonstrate several case studies on current initiatives and future plans for plastic collection and recycling solutions with the aim of facilitating further partnerships for fulfillment of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations by plastic importers, manufacturers, and users.
It will be moderated by Professor Ajith de Alwis, paying closer attention to the existing and emerging policy and legislative frameworks and how to capitalize and plan better on the efficient use of plastic waste recycling facilities, trending towards new investments.
This session is supported by the Clean Cities Blue Ocean Programme of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
The second Technical Session to be held on September 16, will revolve around the topic ‘Biodiversity Conservation and the Future of Business’.
Prof Sewwandi Jayakody, Senior Lecturer, Wayamba University, Srilal Miththapala, Past President of the Hotels Association of Sri Lanka, Ramitha Wijetunga, National Project Co-ordinator, BioFin, UNDP and Dilhan C Fernando, CEO, Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company and Chair, Biodiversity Sri Lanka will speak on salient topics around this theme.
This particular session is sponsored by one of BSL’s initiating partners Dilmah Conservation, the conservation arm of the Dilmah Ceylon Tea Company.
The third and final session, will present a unique interactive Knowledge Hub, on September 17.
This session will feature, highlight, and reflect on the conservation work and achievements of BSL’s members, to benefit each other through the creation of know-how and awareness on scientific methods and approaches on ecosystem restoration, climate change adaptation, species conservation, sustainable consumption, and production, among others.
Taking the lead in this session will be BSL’s Patron Member, the Commercial Bank of Ceylon.
Biodiversity Sri Lanka, initiated by the Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) together with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and Dilmah Conservation in August 2012. The platform now boasts of over 90 private sector companies in its membership, together with the Associate Membership of UNDP, IWMI and GIZ.