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Capital Maharaja Group celebrate achievements at awards ceremony

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Capital Maharaja Group Sashi Rajamahendran Chairman of CMG, R. Maharaja, Chethana Liyanage Director Talent Management of CMG and CEO of the Maharaja Institute of Management who was named ‘Executive of the Year’ and Sunil Kanojia Group Director and CEO of CMG at the awards ceremony.

The Capital Maharaja Group (CMG) celebrated its achievements in supporting Sri Lanka’s economic and social progress during turbulent times, with the ‘Annual Group Review’ and ‘43rd Executive of the Year’ awards ceremony at Stein Studios in Ratmalana on June16.

Capital Maharaja Group Chairman Sashi Rajamahendran said; “We have a considerable legacy of achievements, which encompasses numerous subsidiaries and diverse fields. We also have a notable standing in Sri Lanka’s corporate landscape and an unwavering commitment to staff development and significant contribution to society. It is this great spirit that makes our Group a formidable force in Sri Lanka and across the globe. We will push forward, we will keep rising and we will lead. We know of no other way.”

Director Talent Management Chethana Liyanage at CMG and the CEO of the Maharaja Institute of Management was named the ‘Executive of the Year’. Chethana joined the Group as a news anchor in 1995 and has enjoyednotable career growth with CMG. The coveted award has over the decades been won by prominent persons who went on to play major roles in Sri Lanka’s economic progress, as well as at CMG.

India’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, Gopal Bagley, who was the Chief Guest, spoke on the rapid advancement of technology that is sweeping the world and has been embraced by India. He noted that technology will aid Sri Lanka in bridging the gaps in productivity and that Sri Lanka’s immediate neighbor and longtime partner India was ever-willing to assist.

“My expectations were more than justified in view of the sterling performance of the executives during the past years of unprecedented turbulence and who proved to be our strongest pillar of strength,” said Kanojia.

The ceremony, which was held after a lapse of three years due to Covid-19, was attended by a number of notable ambassadors, high commissioners and other members of the diplomatic community, together with several of Sri Lanka’s prominent entrepreneurs.


Friday, June 23, 2023 – 01:00

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