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‘Charity begins at home’

T&CPiyadasa RillagodaTags: Print EditionAfter fifty years of English teaching experience both here and abroad, I am convinced that a high percentage of parents have failed to teach their children the value of the old adage “CHARITY…

Revolutionised reading

T&CSachitra MahendraTags: Print EditionThe ongoing discussion regarding the advantages of physical reading versus digital reading has sparked considerable controversy. One perspective highlights the tangible nature of physical books,…

Unwavering path

Resisting temptations on the journey of spiritual development:T&CFrancis KeenawinnaTags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRYIn a world filled with distractions and temptations, the pursuit of spiritual growth often faces numerous…

Unveiling China’s past

Exploring historical origins and the rise of a global power:T&CUditha H PalihakkaraTags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRY“When China awakes, the whole world will shake,” said Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) With…

Unmasking the influencer

Impact of social media on adolescent minds:T&CSachitra MahendraTags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRYIn a thought-provoking talk given by Dr Darshani Hettiarachchi, a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Teaching Hospital…


This harmless amphibian is a boon to the ecosystem:T&CIshara JayawardanePolypedates Cruciger - Lankanectes Corrugatus-Nannophrys Ceylonensis Tags: Print EditionAmphibians are fascinating creatures that add beauty to the environment.…

You were a book

T&CTags: Print EditionYou were a book that was in my bookshelf for a long time You were significant for I didn’t read you even if I had the attention Only today I started reading you and found out that I finally was finding my own…