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Eight nabbed for illegal fishing

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One of the dinghies and diving gear seized by the Navy.
One of the dinghies and diving gear seized by the Navy.

The Sri Lanka Navy during a special operation carried out on Friday (16) in the sea area of Mamunai of Veththalakerni, Jaffna apprehended eight persons who engaged in illegal fishing practices. The operation also led to the seizure of four dinghies and diving gear.

The Naval Deployment Veththalakerni in the Northern Naval Command apprehended the suspects off Mamunai, whilst they were engaging in fishing without valid license.

The suspects were identified as residents of Tihariya, Veppakulama, Kallawarayan, Nachchikuda, Wettakulam, Norochcholai, Pallekuda and Udayakatte, aged between 22 and 48. Meanwhile, the eight suspects, four dinghies and diving gear were handed over to the Jaffna Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Department Office for further legal action.

Monday, June 19, 2023 – 01:00

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