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June tea production reaches 25.94 M/kgs

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January-June 2021 cumulative production totalled 161.49 M/kgs, recording a gain of 31.03 M/kgs vis-à-vis 130.46 M/kgs of January-June 2020. On a cumulative basis, all elevations have shown substantial gains, with the Low Growns, in particular, gaining 27% over the corresponding period of 2020.

Cumulative production of CTC teas (January-June 2021) totalled 14.04 M/kgs, recording a 2.28 M/kgs increase vis-à-vis 11.76 M/kgs of January-June 2020. Here again, all elevations have shown a significant gain YOY when compared to the corresponding period of 2020.

Meanwhile in the Tea Auction offerings too declined to 6.8 M/Kgs. The lowest volume on offer since Sale No. 21 of 1-2 June 2021. There was good demand for the better teas, whilst the others were irregular and often easier.

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