The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) yesterday arrested Moratuwa Mayor Saman Lal Fernando, Seethawakapura Pradeshiya Sabha Chairman Jayantha Rohana, Kelaniya Pradeshiya Sabha member Manjula Prasanna and civil activist Dan Priyasad over the mob attack on peaceful protesters in Colombo on May 9. They will be produced before Courts by the CID, police said. The CID had arrested another five suspects including two Parliamentarians over the same incident by Tuesday (17) and three of them have already been remanded after being produced before the Courts.
They include a former Provincial Council Member and two employees of the Moratuwa Municipal Council. The two Parliamentarians were also to be produced before the courts yesterday. The CID is conducting further investigations into the incident, Police Media Spokesman, SSP Nihal Thalduwa said.
He said police had received 805 complaints with regard to the violent incidents that took place throughout the country on May 9 and had arrested 883 suspects in connection with these incidents by yesterday. Of them, 412 have been remanded while 364 have been released on bail after being produced before the courts.
Police have also arrested four suspects over the assassination of Parliamentarian Amarakeerthi Athukorala, he said.