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New Zealand to enter COVID-19 traffic-light system

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NEW ZEALAND: New Zealand will enter the new traffic-light system on December 3, leaving the alert level system behind for good.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the move at her post-cabinet press conference on Monday.

Ardern said the country had to accept Delta was here to stay.

This new system will generally allow for far more freedoms – particularly in Auckland which is nearing 100 days of lockdown, and particularly for people who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine. The new system will largely do away with the possibility of lockdowns and keep schools open.

Ardern indicated as recently as last week that the date for this move would not be announced until November 29, but has changed her mind.

That date will still be used to announce what “lights” each region will go into. The Government will be allowing hairdressers and barbers in Auckland to open from Thursday to trial the use of the vaccine passes they will need to operate under either Orange or Red. Auckland will start at Red, along with areas with very low vaccination rates. No area is likely to start at Green.

The orange level allows for something close to level 1 for the vaccinated, with no limits on event sizes or hospitality if vaccine passes are used.

At all lights on the traffic light system people can visit friends and family freely, and outside of Auckland can travel around the country freely.


Tuesday, November 23, 2021 – 01:00

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