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President to address UN General Assembly

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The theme of this year’s UNGA is “Building resilience through hope – to recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainability, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalise the United Nations.”

President Rajapaksa is expected to focus on Sri Lanka’s efforts to curb the Covid pandemic, especially its successful vaccination drive which has seen over 50 per cent of the population getting both doses. He will also highlight the progress made by Sri Lanka in several other spheres.

The UNGA started with an address by US President Joe Biden, as per UN tradition, where he signaled that America is back on the world stage. Several other world leaders addressed the UNGA on the opening day.

More than 100 world leaders and foreign ministers have arrived in New York for the UNGA sessions as well as several other key summits that will be held on its sidelines. Last year, only a very few leaders attended the summit due to the raging Covid pandemic.

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