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When I Was Young

T&CTags: Print EditionWhen I was young, pure in heart Met a soul, walked in to a storm Being so kind, coy and bright Became the witch, lost the charm None was ready to hear the pain None was given a lively smile One was ready to smile…

Voice Print: Music to All Ears

T&CRuwanthi AbeyakoonTags: Print EditionVoice Print, an award-winning band, has as of now established itself as one of the most dynamic and talented musical groups in Sri Lanka. The band was formed when a few choristers of St.…

OKI Avurudu

T&CTags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRYOKI Junior School in Wattala celebrated the Sinhala and Tamil New Year recently. The event was graced by Jananath Warakagoda, a famous musician/ drummer as the Chief Guest. The Chairperson of the…

Empathy to Society, her Luxury

T&CIshara JayawardaneTags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRYHead Prefect of Ilma International Girls’ School, Colombo Liyaanah Rauff believes in the power of empathy. Perfect Prefect features Rauff who understands that helping one person…

Seattle gets a taste of Kottu Roti

T&CNaomi TomkyKottu’s mango chicken curry kottu roti, served with cilantro-lime-pickle yogurt sauce and crushed Flamin Hot Cheetos. Tags: Print EditionTOWN & COUNTRYSyd Suntha was inspired to cook kottu roti and other dishes from…