A discussion aimed at forming an organisation namely ‘The Council of Sinologists of Sri Lanka’ with an objective of pursuing the Chinese language was held in Colombo recently.
This organisation will operate with the assistance of the World Council of Sinologists.
The World Council of Sinologists was formed on July 20, 2022, under the Beijing Language and Culture University. The executive arm of the organisation World Council of Sinologists was also formed in August in Chigdao.
At the beginning, 105 persons from 61 countries who are engaged in studies will join this programme. The Council of Sinologists will work under six sectors, namely, Information centre, Translation centre, Education centre, Writing centre, Studies centre and Convention centre.
Sri Lankan experts engaged in studying Chinese and translating Chinese works will work under these sectors in the future.
Those interested can contact the organisation via email: sinologycouncilsrilanka@gmail.com
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