Wattala Police arrested a woman on suspicion of stealing goods worth Rs.292,500 from a supermarket with her husband on Hendala Road in Wattala.
The woman was arrested while hiding in a house in Kegalle on June 1.
On the day of the incident, on May 27, a 21-year-old pregnant woman arrived at the supermarket and stole seven cans of Sustagen worth Rs.32,500 while her 30-year-old husband stole an Apple mobile phone worth Rs.260,000.
The female suspect was arrested by the Wattala Police while she and her husband were leaving their temporary residence in Sedawatte, Colombo to return to their permanent home in Kegalle.
However, the Kegalle Police had arrested and remanded the suspect on a warrant.
The female suspect who was produced before the Wattala Magistrate’s Court on June 2 was released on Rs.200,000 bail.