Doctors in Uttar Pradesh’s Chitrakoot removed two and a half kilograms of hair from a woman’s stomach through surgery after she became addicted to eating hair during her pregnancy.
The 25-year-old woman developed a strange addiction to eating hair when she became pregnant. She used to eat her own hair as well as the hair of others lying around.
After giving birth, the woman stopped eating hair, but she started experiencing pain in her stomach and was unable to eat anything, suffering continuous vomiting. The woman’s family took her to a nearby hospital, but the medication given to her initially did not bring any relief. She was later brought to a private hospital in Chitrakoot, where the doctors were surprised to discover the reason for the stomach pain. Due to the habit of eating hair, the woman’s stomach was completely filled with a lump of hair. According to Dr Nirmala Gehani of the Janaki Kund Hospital in Chitrakoot, the woman could have died in such a situation.
After an operation that lasted for about 45 minutes, a bunch of hair, weighing about two and a half kilograms, was removed from the woman’s stomach.
According to the doctor, the woman was suffering from a rare medical condition called Trichophagia, in which someone repeatedly eats, sucks on, or chews hair. It’s a serious condition that can lead to health problems, including malnutrition, blockages in the digestive system, and even death. (Foreign Agencies)
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