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Doctors to probe how 1 kilo of gauze was found in abdomen after caesarean operation in Mullaitivu

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A husband has requested the Northern Province Director of Health Services to conduct an immediate investigation regarding a case where a piece of gauze weighing about one kilogram was found in the abdomen of a mother after an operation performed at the Mullaitivu Hospital.

The husband had stated that his wife, who was admitted to the Mullaitivu Hospital for childbirth, underwent a caesarean operation there and after that the pain in her abdomen did not go away even after many days, so he had taken her to after that on 12 occasions.

Subsequently after an X-ray was taken it had been revealed that his wife’s abdomen had been stitched leaving behind a piece of gauze weighing about one kilogram inside the abdomen, after the caesarean operation and another surgery had been done to remove it. The husband had made a request in the complaint he had made, that an immediate investigation should be conducted and the doctors who are responsible for it should be given some kind of punishment, due to the trauma he and his wife had to experience and also because of the physical pain the wife had to go through due to the doctor’s carelessness.

The Norther Province Director of Health Service office has appointed team comprising of three doctors to carry out an investigation regarding this complaint.

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