Be the First to Know

lanka matrimony

Equalization in struggle and grief

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“I think for any kind of change to happen, the first and the most important thing is awareness. And I took my time to read up and understand all sides. That there were some really notable influencers already taking action, verifying details and being forces of change is what inspired me and got me hustling. When you are blessed to be in a place where you have a voice and have even a few listening in, then it’s on you to be the implementer of change; to tickle the conscience of people from your place of influence and get them thinking, then to pass the baton and pay it forward, spread the word or better still, act on the issue,” shares Winget, who is amazed by how people from all walks of life came together to help everyone and anyone in need, in whatever way possible.

“Even the slightest way within someone’s means made a big difference and that is a testament to human resilience. I feel proud, honoured and humbled at the same time to see how people were reaching out to anyone who needed the help. What the pandemic did was equalise all of us in our struggle and grief, and with that even the little successes and wins,” she says.

In the post, she revealed that she had been feeling in the last few months and that it was tough to stay positive on many occasions. She explains, “That was because everything around us was so negative and bleak and having been in this situation for such a long time, I think, it’s the uncertainty of it all that got to me.

“Then, realising it wasn’t just me but a lot of us that were/are feeling the same way and that such a feeling of languishing was normal in an unprecedented time like this.

That’s why I thought of making the video and sharing it with anyone who wanted to listen in, anyone that needed this at the time, to tell them that they’re not alone. Lending hope in a time where we couldn’t see any, and putting out that we’re in it together and that what is coming would be better than what we were going through. So to just hang in there, together!” TNN

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