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EU evaluates Govt’s cultivate rubber without deforestation method implementation

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The European Union has introduced a production regulation Act (European Union Deforestation free Regulations-EUDR) to allow the rubber producing countries to grow rubber without destroying the forests.

Sri Lanka has also agreed to implement the policies of the Act as a country that exports rubber and rubber related products. Accordingly, the representatives of the famous Michelin Group of Industries, who visited the country recently, pointed out that the European Union has evaluated the steps taken by the Sri Lankan Government in the past to expand rubber cultivation in Sri Lanka without deforestation.

The Michelin delegation met Agriculture and Plantation Industries Minister Mahinda Amaraweera and discussed the matter at length last Friday (17). This discussion was held at the Sethsiripaya Plantation Industry Ministry.

The representatives said that Sri Lanka is being evaluated as a country that expands rubber cultivation without destroying forests.

The Agriculture and Plantation Industries Ministry is going to extend 1,173 hectares of land for rubber plantation this year. Also, in the coming period, no efforts will be made to extend rubber cultivation in the lands of the wet zone of the lower country, and steps have been taken to use the lands located in the plains in the dry zone of Sri Lanka for rubber cultivation.

Already, rubber plantations in Monaragala, Anuradhapura, Ampara and other areas have been successful and many positive changes have been made to the environment due to rubber plantation. For example, it has been revealed that the temperature has even decreased by two degrees Celsius due to rubber cultivation in the Monaragala Badalkumbura area.

For this reason, steps have been taken to give priority to the cultivation of spices such as pepper, which are other export agricultural crops, in the lands of the lowland wet zone, said Minister Amaraweera.

However, the Minister also mentioned that the European Union will implement the recommendations given and take steps to provide high quality rubber to the world market.

Currently, 30 percent of the rubber exported by Sri Lanka is bought by countries belonging to the European Union. Currently, 65,000 hectares of rubber have been cultivated and 98,500 metric tons are exported annually. Sri Lanka earns US$ 40 million annually in the national income from rubber export.

A group of officials including Agriculture and Plantation Secretary Janaka Dharmakirthi participated.

The post EU evaluates Govt’s cultivate rubber without deforestation method implementation appeared first on DailyNews.

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