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“Golden Gate Kalyani” to be vested with public

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The New Kelani Bridge constructed with advanced technology culminating in several milestones in transport technology in Sri Lanka has been named the “Golden Gate Kalyani” (Kalyani Rani Pivisuma).
Chief Government whip and Highways Minister Johnston Fernando today said that the New Kelani Bridge would be declared open by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa tomorrow at 6 pm.
The bridge consisting of two sections – the extradosed bridge section over the river, and the steel box girder viaduct section over the existing roadway. Both technologies are used for the first time in Sri Lanka. The extradosed design enabled the bridge to have the widest span without piers in any bridge in Sri Lanka.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021 – 16:28

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