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Harini Nikiliya the athletic star from Taxila

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Taxila Central College Horana Athletic contingent for the Western Provincial Educational Meet 2018 posed for a photograph with the officials after the meet. The school coach Indika Wanigarathne standing in the back row fourth from right. Harini Nikiliya squatting in the second row at the extreme right ( Picture by Dilwin Mendis Moratuwa Sports Special Correcpondent )

Taxila Central College Horana Athletic contingent for the Western Provincial Educational Meet 2018 posed for a photograph with the officials after the meet. The school coach Indika Wanigarathne standing in the back row fourth from right. Harini Nikiliya squatting in the second row at the extreme right ( Picture by Dilwin Mendis Moratuwa Sports Special Correcpondent )

School under 16 Athletic Champion, under 13 Zonal Athletic Champion, Volleyball, Netball and Throwball player, Harini Nikiliya has brought honour and glory to . Taxila Central College Horana with her deeds on the sports field.

Harini who hails from a remote village Kohugoda Maliduwa in Akuressa was born on 14th January 2006 and admitted to Primary School of Kohugoda, Maliduwa Akuressa in 2011.

Noticing her interest for athletics her Parents Sumith Piyasinghe and Niranjala Padmini admitted her to Alubomulla Panadura In 2016 and in the same year itself competing in the under eleven age group she came first in Long Jump and High Jump at the Divisional Educational Meet and in the same year at the Zonal Meet too she came first in her both pet events Then in 2018 at the Divisional Meet she won the High Jump and Long Jump events and second in 4 x 100 relay event. Same year at the DRO Divisional Open Meet she came second in Long Jump and at the Divisional Meet under 14 age group High Jump and Long Jump first and 4 x 100 relay event second and she carried away the under 14 Best Athlete Award

She received an athletic scholarship to Taxila Central College in 2018 and in the same year at the Provincial Meet she swept the board in Long Jump and High Jump and got selected for the All Island Meet and in the Zonal Meet she won the 80 metre hurdles, High Jump and Long Jump and adjudged the under 13 champion athlete and at the 4 x 100 relay they were second and at the All Island John Tarbet Meet held at Annuradhapura she won the 80 metre Hurdles under 13 event and awarded Colours and at the same time at the All Island Meet she came first in Hurdles. Then in the 2019 school sports meet she won the Long Jump, Hurdles and at the Horana DRO Open Meet she came third in High Jump, Long Jump first and 4 x 100 relay event second and at the under 14 Provincial meet they won the 4 x 100 relay event and at the John Tarbet Meet held in Colombo they got a Merit for relay 4 x 100.

Her team mates at the relay events were Maleesha Kavindi, Mevanjana Methnuli and Oshadi Sevmini. She received Merits for High Jump, 75 meter Hurdles and Long Jump.

Same year participating at the Colombo Track and Field Club invitation Open Meet she came third in 80 meter hurdles at the under 16 age group. Then in the 2020 school house meet in the under 16 age group she was first in 300 metre hurdles and 100 meters and second in High Jump and at the DRO Horana Open Meet she came third in High Jump, second in Long Jump and in the next year at the DRO District Open Meet under 16 age group she won the Triple Jump. 

Monday, November 8, 2021 – 01:00

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