Everyone works to lead a prosperous, happy and joyful life.
Joy and Happiness are wonderful feelings to experience, but are very different.
Joy comes when you make peace with who you are, why you are and how you are, whereas Happiness tend to be externally triggered and is based on other people, things, places, thoughts and events.
With things falling into place we could eagerly await for political, economical, social and community stability to prevail in our Motherland which would yield qualitative and quantitative benefits to the public.
If you consider the Qualitative aspects we may harvest Peace, Harmony, symbiotic relationships among all communities, and the quantitative aspects may bring upon improvement in the income and improved standards of Living, Increased Productivity and Labourforce.
Despite the fact that we receive the above aspects, would it be possible for the people to be Happy and Joyful ? My answer for this question is a simple ‘NO’.
Let me justify my statement.
Since the beginning of the new Millennium dramatic changes have taken place globally in particular the advanced Technology. With these changes which have taken place during the last two decades we have technologically advanced than ever before. This has made the mankind to be effective and efficient.
With technological changes and Globalisation taking place, the factor called, ‘Hurry and Worry’ too have emerged. Thus, this has resulted in Physical and emotional illnesses such as Gastritis, Stomach Ulcers as well as Stress, Anxiety and Depression.
People have become as multi taskers where they are unable to complete any one task 100%.
The other aspect is that they do not give their 100%.
Let it be working, living, loving or praying the majority of them do multi tasking and do things half heartedly. They end up meeting disappointments which make them angry and act hastily Hence, they are not Happy or Joyful, but rather miserable.
This is the main reason why as a country we top the ranking on suicidal rates.
If you look at the younger generation they are inflicted with diseases and face trauma too, due to their working habits and lifestyles.
It is true and I quite understand your pulse. We are facing ‘multiple crises’ including economics, political, social, financial and health due to the recent pandemic and its consequences. But, if you look at the opposites of crisis, you will become optimistic that there will be ‘light at the end of the tunnel’.
The opposites to crisis are; Relief miracle, blessing, resolution, favour, profit, privilege, happiness, joy, good fortune, boon, calm, pleasure, fortunateness, way out, plus point, trivia, help, fortuitousness, answer, win-win, bonus, Benison, providence, comfort, luck, peace, assistance, health, serendipity, remedy, stability, agreement, advantage, benefit, comfort, luck, placidly, rest, contentment, repose, advantageousness, relaxation, tranquility and Prosperity.
As an usual practice people ‘go in search of happiness’. In my humble opinion, when you ‘search for happiness’or ‘chase happiness’ you finally end up with disasters or sorrow. It is somewhat similar to ‘chasing a butterfly’ where you never achieve it or find it extremely difficult to achieve it.
Some say that ‘happiness is a choice’. But, I strongly believe that ‘happiness is a decision’. ‘It has to be practiced like a violin. Since happiness is transient we need to focus on the larger picture and that is to focus on ‘being joyful’. This is a decision as well.
Finding joy could be very simple if you are a ‘compassionate, kind, humble, caring, generous, helpful, empathetic and loving person expressing unconditional love. If so you will attract joy to your life.
Also, you will attract people towards you like a magnet.
Your ‘quality of life’ will be then enhanced and miracles start happening in your work and Life.
In my humble opinion ‘working towards achieving your personal goals and objectives can make you happy’ but ‘working to help others to achieve their goals and objectives, will definitely make you a joyous person’.
Let me sum up by stating that as a result of leading a joyous work life, you will also attract ‘Inner Peace’, ‘serenity’ and ‘tranquillity’ to your life. Thus you will be ‘overwhelmed with joy in abundance’ and ‘greatly inspired forever’.
Let me conclude that if you want to be Happy and Joyful give your very best, that is 100% to everything you do. Always, go for the extra-mile in work and Life. It will have a compound effect and the rewards will follow sooner or later in your career.
That means when you work, do it wholeheartedly.
Do one thing at a time and complete that task fully.
Do not get isolated from others and get connected with people. Be a team player. know your company, products, services, customers (internal and external),markets and the industry, very well.
Happiness and Joy are blessed to a group or team and you do not get it when you are secluded from people.
Hence value and treasure your relationships with your superiors, subordinates, colleagues, peers and customers.
If someone has made a mistake or spoken against you please do not take revenge on them. Rather ‘Forgive and Forget’ as our Almighty God has taught us.
Be contended with what you have and what you get. You should not insist the management for increment of salary or other perks. Instead, work harder and smarter to realise the vision of your company. Then perhaps, the benefits that you receive will be many folds. Help the needy whenever possible. If your colleague is unable achieve his or her target, share your knowledge and experience with him or her and offer support.
Avoid comparing with others. Do not compare your salary with your colleagues one. Be contended with what you get.
The employers must create a conducive environment and a good work culture in their organisations, in order to make their employees happy and joyful.
These aspects will enable you to have a peaceful living. Always lead a ‘Joyful and modest life’. This is what we should expect from all our colleagues and communities in our workplace, society and Motherland. Then perhaps ours will be a true Paradise Nation besides a healthy working environment.
Learn to understand and realise who you are. Know your strengths and continuously improve upon those strengths. Know your weaknesses and convert those in to your strengths. Keep improving yourself continuously. And when you improve your self help to improve others. Then work as a team and improve your family, Work Place, Society, Community and the Motherland and ultimately and eventually the universe.
This is my secret to be Happy and Joyful.
‘Do things Wholeheartedly’
Always share your happiness and joy with others as it doubles your Happiness and joyfulness .
Find the ‘NEW YOU’, to realise your real potential and capabilities that may help your to lead a Merry life and perhaps you may conquer the world with the discovery of your inner-self.
Work with dedication, determination, discipline, diligence, perseverence, responsibility, resilience, courage and commitment. You also need to create and manage changes to conquer your selected field of business or work.
In essence, devote yourself to duty.
Always, strive to make your company no.1 in the industry and in order to do this you need to sacrifice your time and I assure you, the end result will be a lucrative career and a joyous life.
About the Writer:
Maruthai Ravindhiran is eligible to follow Certified Professional Marketer, CPM-(Asia) offered by the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF).
CPM-(Asia) is the highest recognition of Marketers who have attained a competent level of academic and practical understanding of Marketing, in the Asian region.
The writer Ravindhiran is a Professional Communication Specialist, Pharma Marketing Strategist and Trainer, Inspirational Writer and Speaker, Life Transformational and Life Management Coach.)
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