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Is ghost of woman haunting school’s sports team?

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A ghost is said to be roaming in a school in Padukka where the parents said their children informed them that there have been a number of incidents that confirm that this ghost is only seen with one women’s sports team.

They said that when the respective women’s sports team went to the stadium to play each and every time, one person was counted more than the number of people who went to the field from the class and that they are all shocked by these incidents.

The parents say that even if they tell anyone about this, they will not believe it, but their children say that this has happened.

They said that the teacher in charge of the sports team has also been scared and shouted on several occasions and because of this even her children have been scared.

Due to this situation, a suggestion to hold a Pirith chanting in the school as soon as possible has been taken into consideration, but the parents have also suggested that some scientific discussion should be held to clear the minds of their children.

Several responsible persons of the school were questioned on this incident, but they said that this is just a rumour and such an incident did not happen in their school.

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