Join hands to suppress violence against women in politics – Kongahage
United National Party Kandy District Leader Shanthini Kongahage said that everyone should join hands to suppress the violence against women in politics.
Addressing a press conference at Sirikotha yesterday, she said that UNP leader Ranil Wickremesinghe increased women’s representation When the UNP was in power, “Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe made arrangements to increase women’s representation to 25 percent. There are 1926 women as members of Pradeshiya Sabhas at present,” he said.
she said a female member of a Local Government institution was assaulted for the second time in three months, in the Gampaha District. Three months ago, a member of the Katana Pradeshiya Sabha was assaulted.
“Yesterday, while everyone was watching a male member of the Pradeshiya Sabha assault a female member of the Attangalla Pradeshiya Sabha,” Kongahage said.
She added that the person who carried out the assault has not been arrested as yet. The Pradeshiya Sabha female member who was assaulted is receiving treatment at the Wathupitiwala Hospital.
Problems that affect the public in the country have to be compulsorily subject to discussion within Pradeshiya Sabhas. All women’s organizations and institutions which train female PS members should object to the assaults being carried out especially on women Pradeshiya Sabha members from opposition parties who express their views, by ruling party members of the PS.
She added that the UNP promoted women PS members, not to face such attacks.
“We have doubts whether it is the objective of the Government to prevent women taking to politics,” Kongahage said. The Court granted bail to the persons who assaulted the Katana PS female member. If the police are not ensuring justice on such occasions, we have to file a court case. I request all institutions who put in an effort to bring women into politics, to assist with legal matters and not only that to condemn such assaults.
She said people should come to the forefront to suppress the violence that is being engaged in to prevent women from coming into politics. I ask the Gampaha Commissioner of Local Government what action he took regarding the assault. The female members of the Attanagalle PS are not treated properly. I request the government to grant an opportunity for female PS members to engage in their responsibilities with self-respect.