Labour Department to launch online booking platform
The Labour Department will launch an online platform enabling beneficiaries to reserve a date and a time in advance to get their paper work done from September 1.
The hotline 1958 or the web link ‘’ will be available for this with effect from September 1, Labour and Foreign Employment Minister of Manusha Nanayakkara said.
The online facility limited to the Narahenpita Departmental head office earlier, now will be expanded and available at all district, sub and divisional offices of the Labour Department from September 1 onwards, providing a solution to the difficulties faced by the beneficiaries of the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) due to the long queues.
Powered by Sri Lanka Telecom, this facility will be made compulsory for the beneficiaries and the clients to make an appointment in advance following a trial and an inspection period, said the Commissioner General Prabath Chandrakeerthi said.
He urged beneficiaries and the public to use this system as much as possible to avoid difficulties in meeting their requirements with department.