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Law College celebrates 150 years on July 6

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Chief Justice Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC and Attorney General Sanjay Rajaratnam, PC yesterday graced an event held at the Sri Lanka Law College (SLLC) premises to launch tickets for its 150th anniversary celebration event themed ‘Back to Law College’ to be held on July 6.

Founded in 1874, the SLLC celebrates its 150th anniversary in 2024. Currently, the Bar consists of more than 25,000 members.

The first ticket for the event was issued to CJ Jayantha Jayasuriya, PC by the Chairman of the organizing committee of the event Kalinga Indatissa, PC and the co-chairman of the committee Kuvera de Zoysa, PC issued the second ticket to AG Sanjay Rajaratnam, PC.

The main programme of the ‘Back to Law College’ event will be held at Law College auditorium from 3 p.m to 5.30 p.m. on July 6 and it will be followed by an evening celebration event held at the CH & FC Grounds in Colombo.

Chairman of the Alumni Association of the Law College former Supreme Court Judge Buvaneka Aluvihare, Supreme Court Judge Yasantha Kodagoda, PC, President of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka Kaushalya Nawaratne (PC), Law College Principal Dr. Athula Pathinayake and a large number of legal professionals who are members of the alumni community of the Law College attended yesterday’s event.

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