Colombo Chief Magistrate Nandana Amarasinghe yesterday rejected a request made by the Cinnamon Gardens Police to issue an Order preventing a group of members including the Convener of the Peradeniya University Students’ Federation from entering several roads leading to the University Grants Commission at Ward Place.
The Cinnamon Gardens Police informed the Magistrate that there was a possibility of public harassment or damage to state property during a protest which was scheduled to be held in front of the University Grants Commission yesterday evening.
Accordingly, the Cinnamon Gardens Police requested an Order from the Colombo Chief Magistrate’s Court, preventing the protest from being held in the area.
However, the Magistrate denied the Police’s request and instructed the Police to take action under provisions of the Police Ordinance, if protesters behaved in a violent manner.
Meanwhile, the Fort Police also made the same request before the Colombo Fort Magistrate’s court yesterday. Accordingly, Colombo Fort Magistrate Thilina Gamage also rejected the request made by the Police.