Number of vehicles belong to Government
●. There are 82,194 vehicles under the government institution including the Ministries, State Enterprises and Provincial Councils and Local Government Institutions.
●. Out of them, 76,661 vehicles are under running condition while, 5533 vehicles are not under running condition.
●. Out of the vehicles under running condition there are 33,931 vehicles under the ownership of the government institutions including the Ministries, 26,395 vehicles under State Enterprises and 16,335 under the Provincial Councils and Local Government Institutions.
●. Whereas approximately 8,500 senior officials in State institution have been granted to use their private vehicles for official transport purposes followed by payment of a monthly allowance.
Considering the above information furnished by the Minister of Economic Policies and Plan Implementation, the Cabinet of Ministers decided to utilize the repairable vehicles out of those not under running condition followed by immediate reparation and to discard those irreparable subject to a formal methodology with immediate effect.