Agriculture Minister Mahinda Amaraweera yesterday instructed the Paddy Marketing Board (PMB) to process 43,000 metric tonnes of paddy into rice and send it to the market.
The Paddy Marketing Board currently has 43,000 metric tonnes of paddy.
Minister Amaraweera has instructed the Paddy Marketing Board to distribute paddy rice owned by the Paddy Marketing Board through Sathosa as a measure to control the current shortage of rice in the market and high prices.
At present, all types of rice in the open market are sold between Rs.230 and Rs.270, the wholesale and retail prices of rice provided by the Paddy Marketing Board are lower.
However, the Paddy Marketing Board has informed the Agriculture Ministry that about 32,000 metric tonnes of rice can be processed from the stocks of paddy currently owned by the Paddy Marketing Board.