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Prince Charles backs masks for methane-burping cows

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Prince Charles taking a closer look at a new face mask called the ‘Zelp’ device for burping cows.
Prince Charles taking a closer look at a new face mask called the ‘Zelp’ device for burping cows.

UK: Prince Charles was intrigued by a new face mask for burping cows that has already been proved to cut their methane emissions by more than half.

Charles encountered the ‘Zelp’ device, which has been designed to combat emissions from the world’s 1.6 billion cattle – one of the single biggest causes of global warming – when he visited the Royal College of Art, of which he is patron, on Wednesday.

Cattle produce two gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions a year.

Thanks to a new competition for students past and present – The Terra Carta Design Lab – by his Sustainable Markets Initiative, there is now a wearable device for cattle to neutralise methane emissions in real time.

The heir to the throne toured an exhibition showcasing its 20 finalists and met with the winners who have all developed ingenious solutions to tackle the climate crisis.

Francisco Norris devised the bovine face mask and explained to the prince how the Zelp – Zero Emissions Livestock Project – was using its cattle harnesses to neutralise methane, improve animal welfare and get organisations closer to net zero.

The device fits comfortably around the animal’s head and does not interfere with its day to day activities.

As the cattle exhales, methane travels through a catalyst where it is oxidised and then released into the atmosphere as CO2 and water vapour instead of harmful greenhouse gas.

”It doesn’t stop them breathing?” The fascinated prince, who is a farmer himself as well as an environmentalist, asked.

“No, it just sits on top,” Mr Norris explained.

He told Charles that research has shown that not only does the harness not affect their breathing or eating but their milk production, which is tested twice daily, doesn’t slow down either. Tests have already proven that wearing the harness ensures a 53 per cent reduction in methane and the firm is working to 60 per cent next year. “And it reduced the methane produced by their belching,” Charles said.


Friday, April 29, 2022 – 01:00

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