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‘Speaker In You’ launches next intake with introductory session

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In today’s world, it is critical for a corporate executive or a higher education student to be able to inspire, persuade, and motivate others, or to be able to communicate his or her ideas to a group of people in a clear, structured, and captivating manner.

The skills play a significant role in advancing one’s personal growth or taking a business to the next level. Through a series of carefully selected lessons and speech projects, this programmr teaches how to deliver those enthralling speeches.

The skills in the programme will be taught over the course of twelve three-hour sessions. Each session will include public speaking instruction and practice, as well as the opportunity to learn from other experienced speakers.

The skills will be taught and practiced in a welcoming, non-threatening setting. Each batch will have a maximum of ten to twelve participants. They will be learning alongside others who share their goal. Advisors who once shuddered at the prospect of public speaking but have successfully developed their public speaking skills will lead them down the experiential learning path. There are no lecturers or professors here; only experienced speakers who have been in your position.

Furthermore, this programme is designed to provide students with numerous opportunities to acquire and develop the skills required to be an effective and confident public speaker. It is organized around a series of twenty-four 20–30 minute lessons taught by advisors on topics like ‘Exhibiting confidence when speaking in public,’ ‘Visual elements of public speaking,’ and ‘Writing and presenting a proposal.’

There are additional activities that are more engaging and provide opportunities for hands-on learning in addition to these sessions. These include the participants’ seven prepared speeches, classroom exercises, and speaker-advisor discussions.

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