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Thambuttegama Post Office robbed

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Thambuttegama Police said Rs.114,000 was stolen from the Thambuttegama Post Office located near the Thambuttegama Police Station. Police suspect that a thief or a group who entered the post office on Wednesday night (16) may have committed this theft.

A person or group broke through a window and used an electric grinder to cut the safe and steal money.The safe contained essential documents, daily currency and stamps, and more than Rs. 114,000 was stolen. However, the thief did not take the stamps worth of 1,075,000 rupees which were in a shell of the safe. The police said that the money inside the safe was stolen by cutting three holes.

Around 5.45 a.m. yesterday, a postal service officer and two postmen came to the Thambuttegama post office for letter selection. At the time of opening the office and starting the work, someone noticed a burning smell in the office, and while going to open a window, saw that the bars of a window had been cut. The post master said that at around 3 p.m yesterday (17) the money received from stamp sales, electricity bills, water bills was deposited in the bank. Stamps worth about 1,075,000 rupees were in the safe and the stamps were not stolen.

The post Thambuttegama Post Office robbed appeared first on DailyNews.

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