A special operation mounted by the Navy in the seas off Sandbanks, Talaimannar yesterday morning led to the apprehension of three suspects aboard a dinghy with about 03kg and 100g of Crystal Methamphetamine, known as ICE. The street value of the drug is estimated to be over Rs.24 million.
“A group of SLN Marines attached to SLNS Thammanna in the North Central Naval Command intercepted a suspicious dinghy in the seas off Sandbanks, Talaimannar yesterday morning. During further search of the dinghy, naval personnel managed to recover about 03kg and 100g of Crystal Methamphetamine concealed in it. Accordingly, the consignment of drugs along with the 03 suspects and the dinghy used for this illegal act were taken into naval custody” the Navy Media Unit said.
Meanwhile, the street value of the apprehended stock of ICE is believed to be more than Rs. 24 million.
The suspects held in this operation were identified as residents of Pesalai area. The accused together with narcotic substance were handed over to the Talaimannar Police for further legal action.