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Wimal says country tied up to the IMF now

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Wants delegation to visit Russia, amend ties

MP Wimal Weerawansa told Parliament yesterday that during the earlier Galle Face protest when several military trucks had lined up at Galle Face and there was speculation that these trucks had arrived to take the protesters into custody, the American Ambassador had called the Public Security Minister and asked him if there was a plan to arrest the protesters. He had replied saying he was not aware of such a move. Weerawansa said that then the Ambassador had told the minister that if such a move was made, the country would not receive any assistance from the IMF.

“Because of the IMF programme we won’t get fuel from Russia or get any assistance from anyone else. They have tied us up to the IMF. This is not an issue that can be entrusted to only the Energy Minister to resolve. This is an issue that must be addressed by the President. He needs to speak to the Russian President.”

He noted that Russia is a country that had supported Sri Lanka in all good decisions. “During Mrs. Bandaranaike’s time when a decision was taken against Caltex, America threatened that they wont purchase our quota of tea. Then Russia intervened and said they will purchase that quota of our tea. They have always assisted us. Russia is a historical friend of Sri Lanka and today this friend has been cast aside and Sri Lanka is looking for solutions.”

Weerawansa warned that instead of taking the correct decisions at this moment, those who are waiting for IMF assistance to fall on us should be held responsible for the crisis in Sri Lanka. He said to amend the strained relations with Russia talks need to be initiated at the government’s highest levels and a representative group should visit Russia for discussions. He said that Sri Lanka should not become victims to Western powers.


Thursday, June 23, 2022 – 01:06

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